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What does the discovery process look like in a divorce action?

Discovery in a New York divorce refers to the process of exchanging information and documents between the parties involved in a divorce case. The goal of discovery is to ensure that both parties have access to all relevant information and documents necessary to make informed decisions and negotiate a fair settlement.

Discovery may include the following:

1. Interrogatories: Written questions that are submitted to the other party, which they are required to answer under oath.

2. Depositions: An oral statement made under oath in the presence of a court reporter. Depositions are typically conducted in an attorney's office.

3. Requests for Production of Documents: A formal request for the other party to provide specific documents related to the divorce, such as financial records, bank statements, and tax returns.

4. Requests for Admissions: A formal request for the other party to admit or deny certain facts related to the divorce.

5. Subpoenas: A legal document that requires a third party, such as a bank or employer, to provide documents or testimony related to the divorce.

Discovery is an important part of the divorce process because it helps both parties obtain the necessary information to make informed decisions and negotiate a fair settlement. It's important to work with an experienced divorce attorney who can guide you through the discovery process and ensure that all relevant information is obtained.

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